Looks Like I'm Going to Have to Do a Lot of Worldbuilding

Since I've been writing, I'd always tried to stay away from too much worldbuilding. I've seen a lot of authors go a bit overboard. I've thought worldbuilding can sometimes become a distraction that can draw authors away from writing their actual manuscript. But now my work has turned into a direction where more serious worldbuilding is necessary. It's not that I don't enjoy worldbuilding. I enjoy it very much. My fear is that I may enjoy it too much. On the surface, my series of books is about a galactic human civilization, past alien civilizations, wormhole, etc. But I've always intended the stories to explore politics, religion, philosophy, etc. And maybe even have a main theme per book. In the work I am currently working on, I am exploring how benign religions can evolve to be paranoid and controlling. And in this stories case, the religion is not an existing one. So that means I need to create a religion. That means creating central tenets,...